Tuesday, June 8, 2010

50 States!!!

So i'm watching Tyra (...yes im watching Tyra) this is sad and I dont know which is pissing me off more, this woman proposing to this man or that Tyra is wearing her dress backward.... Well neither have anything to do with what Im about to blog about.

Its been a while since my last blog and I figured it's about time i get some blogerapy (Blog Therapy). I have been at this job search for 5 months now and I am physically drained. This week alone I thought about selling my car and moving back home at least a 1,000 times. I'm frustrated and almost broken but I know my worth and this keeps me going.

So I have set a challenge for myself...starting from today I will apply to every state department in this country all 50 states(yes Hawaii and Alaska included)...now if I don't get an interview by the end of July...........Hum i'll keep looking..lol. *what did you think I was going to quit that easy :)*

Let the challenge begin, hopefully I can keep up with the blog :)

Have a blessed day :)